Crystal structures of metals
Metallic elements usually have a close-packed structure with a coordination number of 12. There are two types of close packing depending on the arrangement of adjacent layers in the structure: cubic close packing ABCABC and hexagonal close packing ABAB (see Metallic bonds and metallic structures in Chapter 2). However, some metals have a body centred cubic type of structure (which fills the space slightly less efficiently) where there are eight nearest neighbours, with another six next-nearest neighbours about 15% further away. If this small difference in distance between nearest and next-nearest neighbours is disregarded, the coor-dination number for a body-centred cubic structure may be regarded loosely as 14. The mechanical properties of malleability and ductility depend on the ease with which adj~nt planes of atoms can glide over each other, to give an equivalent arrangement of spheres. These properties are also affected by physical imperfections such as grain boundaries and dislocations, by point defects in the frystal lattice and by the presence of traces of impurity in the lattice. The possibility of planes gliding is greatest in cubic close-packed structures, which are highly symmetrical and have possible slip planes of close-packed layers in four directions (along the body diagonals), compared with only one direction in the hexagonal close-packed structure. This explains why cubic close-packed structures are generally softer and more easily deformed than hexagonal or body-centred cubic structures. Impurities may cause dislocations in the normaf metal lattice, and the localized bonding increases the hardness. Some soft metals like Cu become work hardened - it is harder to bend the metal a second time. This is because dislocations are caused by the first bending, and these disrupt the slip planes. Other metals such as Sb and Bi are brittle. This is because they have directional boncls; which pucker layers, preventing one layer from slipping over another.
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